Nairi-avo sentence sampler

Kwaeo norai ka seie to danai ono
kwa-eo norai ka seie to danai ono

Sometimes bad things happen to good people.

Totu kone gaorono dentonorewa
totu kone, gaor-ono, dentonorewa

Come here, bitch, I'll maul you!

ie ame tea mosoiara
ie ame te-a mosoi-ara

I love the way you smile.

Sahi fuhu sajisahe
sahi fuhu sajisahe

Even the wind whispers.

A tongue twister and a cautionary saying.
Even things done alone may be found out; information always finds a way to circulate.
toto seneo ie iborewa ino ili nukao
toto seneo ie iborewa ino ili nukao

I will only drink one cup of mead tonight.

Hajakara aie onoa kadata-a pasu
hajakara aie onoa kadata-a pasu
ne esara kadata
ne esara kadata

The guts are part of people’s bodies. They are inside the body.

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